Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The early bird catches the workout...

So, I've come to a horrible conclusion about myself, and that is this: working out after work is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.

Judge me if you will, but when I get home from BEING TRAPPED IN A ROOM WITH 13-YEAR-OLDS, I don't want to go to the gym. I want to cook dinner, write, read, see friends or generally relax. I still don't love working out. SUE ME. It's just never going to be my favorite thing, save for my beloved Bikram Yoga, which is my favorite thing ever, despite being hot and icky and in a room that smells like feet.

This weekend, I made a decision: I have to workout in the mornings, before work. In case you've not heard my commuting tirade, I drive an hour each way to work, and leave before 7 AM.

My alarm is now set for 4:45.

Am I bitter? Maybe a little. But, I have found that I'm already more successful. Once I'm out of bed, it's not too bad to go and do 30 minutes of cardio and 25 minutes of weights. I am so tired at first that I'm not able to actively loathe my cardio. I start my day off with a quiet hour that's just for me, and that is awesome. Plus, I think that starting my day with a workout makes me less apt to want to eat poorly, because I don't want to get up early and crap it away.

Right now, I'm aiming for 3-4 times a week in the morning. My current schedule is going Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays, with running club on Saturdays and Bikram Wednesday and Sunday. That means Friday is a free day, and since I generally regard Friday as a mini-holiday anyways, this fits in well. I am hoping that being on a schedule will make all the difference, and I know that knocking out my workout first thing makes me 100% more likely to actually GO.

Do you schedule your workouts? What works---or doesn't work---for you in terms of time to workout?


  1. I tried and tried to get up early to workout because after work was just so hard to do, but I could not do it. I am not a morning person. So now I have been changing into workout clothes as soon as I get home from work (whether I go or not) to motivate me to go. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. But its better than nothing.

    I also have a piggy bank that I put in a dollar for each day I make it to the gym. That has helped A LOT!

  2. Good luck!! I'll be in dreamland when you're hitting up the gym. ;)

    I have tried going to the gym early in the mornings and it just does not work for me. Working out after work did not work for me before either but I had no choice and made it work. I usually go straight to my closet and change into my gym clothes and grab water & head out immediately so I don't sit down and get comfortable and not want to go. It works out nicely now though since Tyler does most of the cooking now so he cooks while I'm at the gym so when I get home it's dinner time.

    I really wish I could go in the mornings but I just can't - I'm not a morning person at all!

  3. I do exactly what you've written here. I get up at 6am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and go to the gym at our condo to workout. I do 30 minutes of cardio and then lift for 25 minutes. And all your reasonings are mine as well. I'm unconscious until my cardio's almost done; I start my work day with a ton of energy; and I'm loving that quiet time with myself!

  4. 4.45- that's gotta hurt. I start work at 1pm, so that allows me to exercise in the morning and wake up at a reasonable time. I don't finish work until 10pm, though, so hanging out with friends can be quite hard. My schedule is semi-fixed. I take a couple of classes in the week, and then plan my running around that. I try not to be too fixed in it so I can't beat myself too much if for some reason I can't keep up the pace, or something more fun comes up. Early morning workouts sound like a good way of managing your schedule. Hats off to you for having the motivation to do it.

  5. Now that's an early morning! Morning workouts are okay for me if I get in the habit of getting up early, but I am much more of a night person. Because of that, I usually work out in late afternoon/evening.

    My husband has become my workout buddy lately though, so that has meant strictly 7pm or later exercising for us. He does not do mornings.

  6. I think morning workouts are sooo much better. (If I could do sunrise yoga every day, I would!) You get it out of the way, you start your day off right, and, like you said, you're less inclined to nosh mindlessly because you know you won't be at the gym later burning it all off.

    I think your plan sounds fabulous. I am so, so, SO impressed at your discipline. Better than I can say for myself these days!!

  7. I wish I could do morning workouts, but I have to be to work by 6:30, so AM working out is not happening. Instead, I joined the gym that is right around the corner from work. That way, there is no going home first.

  8. I prefer mornings, I like to get it out of the way--but sometimes I just can't get up. Then I go after work. I'm 11 and a half months into my 5 days a week at the Gym, and I feel awful even taking 2 days off week. I'm thinking about maybe doing 6 days a week since May in Miami is coming up. I never, ever thought I would be this obsessed with the gym in my entire life. It is the ONLY time during my day that I truly feel good. Nothing else matters except my hardcore music, and myself. There's only one thing that feels as good as leaving the gym after a workout. (I bet you know what that is! LMAO)Anyway, I'm very into routine, schedules, and results (GOLD STARS). And as soon as those start lining up, you're gonna want even more. Congrats Amy, you can do this! xo

  9. Oh Amy, can you call me at 5:05? HA!

    My swim workout starts at 5:30am and right now I am managing to get there 2 times a week. That is terrible. I know it will get better as it gets warmer out, but OH HOW DIFFICULT it is right now when it is dark and cold out.

    Thanks for inspiring me today!

  10. 4:45 am? There is such a time?

    That amazes me. I do much better if I pack my gym clothes and head straight there from work. I have tried the AM workout but the bed has too strong of a pull on me in the morning.

    You are a better woman than I for doing it in the morning!

  11. I really, really wish I could get in morning workouts. But I set my alarm for 4:30am, and that's just to get ready for work! So morning workouts aren't an option and it is SO. FREAKING. HARD. to work out after you've gone from work/class/internship all day. It's tough and I know I need to make up some type of schedule so I can be more successful at exercising.

    I like your schedule a lot! I think it's a great schedule and doesn't look too overloading.

  12. congrats on your weightloss!

    i randomly found your blog and can totally relate. over the last year, i have lost almost 90lbs. its been hard at times and going to the gym is not always number one on my to-do list...but, the pay off is amazing.

    im sure youre feeling better already! congrats!
