Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So, I am super proud to announce that in my first week of being "on the wagon" of eating well and working out, I lost 3.4 pounds. I couldn't believe my eyes when I stepped on the scale this morning! I was thrilled. Oh, but not thrilled enough to post my real weight. Sorry, internet. NO ONE KNOWS THAT. Except for my iPhone, and she's pretty quiet.

Anyways, I feel awesome, although, I realize that I still have 72.6 lbs to go until I make my final goal, I feel like this is a great way to start. It feels like it's paying off.

A few people have asked me if I'm following any certain diet, and the answer is a firm NO. I don't really love meal plans and "forbidden food lists." Instead, I'm just trying to be reasonable, and stay between 1200-1400 calories a day. Over the weekend, I had a cheat meal at my parents' house (Danish pancakes, known as Abelskeever, bacon, eggs, mimosas) but I compensated by eating a small breakfast and a protein shake for lunch. Andrew and I also went out to dinner and I had veggie pizza and a few polenta fries, but I worked out really hard that day, and again, ate less to compensate. I'm focusing on protein, fruits and veggies, and limiting my carbs at night. So far, so good!

It pains me to write this, but I think the biggest change for me is tracking my food. I loathe food journaling because it's a huge pain in the butt and ugh, I just feel lame, but I will say that it keeps me honest. I think twice about snacks when I know I have to enter them, and even though I am pretty calorie conscious, it enables me to make sure I'm on target. So, I'll doing it for the forseeable future. Right now, I'm using the Livstrong iPhone app and it's pretty good so far. I like the convenience of just typing it in right away.

Working out has been going okay. I plan to start the running group this weekend, which will help and Andrew and I have a hot yoga date on Thursday night. I've slowly been going back to cardio and weights, but I've missed a few days. Last night, I was at work from 7:30 am to nearly 8 pm, and I was just done when I got home, so no workout. Tonight, I know I HAVE to go, so I'm trying to think positively and keep up my momentum from this past week.

To all of you who've been so sweetly cheering me on, THANK YOU. I so appreciate your support and hey, it's working! Here's to many more losing weeks! Hurrah!


  1. Yeah, food journaling sucks, but a lot of people find it really helpful. Congrats on moving towards your goal and keep being positive!

  2. I have a hard time with food journaling too. Actually, I have a hard time with consistency in general! I think you are right though -- it definitely makes you reconsider whether you want to eat those three cookies when you know you'll have to make a note of them. Congrats on the lbs lost so far!

  3. I also struggle with journaling my food. The only thing I am good at is getting my butt to the gym. I always find getting myself there is the biggest hurdle. The running groups sounds like a great idea. Group workouts always help with that motivation to get your workouts in. Congrats on your work so far, keep it up!

  4. Great job! fitday.com really helps me with my food journaling. I've used it for years. (I know I said that here the other day. I swear I'm not getting paid by them! They're just my secret weapon!)

    Take it slow with your running. Don't feel like you have to do too much too soon. I started a running program several years ago when I weighed 210 lbs. Being an ex-jock, I felt like I was cheating if I didn't run every day. But it eventually took a toll on my hips. Don't be afraid to take days off!

  5. I use the Livestrong app, too. I used it religiously for a while, then stopped, and now I'm semi-using it again. Even though I don't track my food super meticulously anymore, doing so for a couple months really changes my eating habits for the better. Now I just need to fix my terrible exercise habits.

  6. YAY AMY! I also hate food journaling. But I am way more successful when I do it... I don't know what group you will be in at SacFit, but my friend Darcy is a leader in one group. If she is with you, you will love her!

  7. Good for you! I like the approach that you're not following a diet, but just eat consciously. I think that is the best way to change your eating habits for good!

  8. That's fun that Andrew is going to come with you to yoga! Are you going to get back into Bikram or try another kind of hot yoga??

    And congrats on your strong start. My mom just sent me an e-mail today confirming her latest weigh-in---since July 2009, she's lost more than 50 pounds. She has a lot more to go (I think she's trying to lose more than 100), but still. I'm so proud of you. And I'm so proud of you.

  9. So so so awesome! You're doing such an awesome job. Totally awesome. :-)

  10. WOW! You're doing great, Amy! I hate, hate, hate food journaling too...only because I'm so tempted to say, "Weeeelll, that was only 1 tablespoon...not 2! Right? Right."

    Keep it up!

  11. Amy, congrats on the great loss in your first week. You're developing some great habits. By counting calories and exercising (mostly walking), I was able to lose 70 lbs. without a "program." I lost more on WW but now have gained back 30 lbs. I'm back to tracking my food and trying to exercise again to get it off before our family trip to Hawaii in July. You can do it, one step, one meal at a time! Keep up the great work!

  12. Congratulations on the weight loss! I feel ya on about posting how much I weigh on my blog, I don't think I can do that....maybe after I lose 50 pounds I'll have the courage to kiss that number goodbye and tell the world how much I used to weigh.

    Food journaling - I hate it too! It helps though in some way like really makes me think twice, "Do I really want to eat that? If I do, then I have to journal/count calories" then I end up not eating it.

    You're doing great! :)

  13. Good on you, great start. I love the sport, hate the diet side, but you're right, I need to start tracking my food. Thanks for the inspiration.

  14. I am totally cheering you on! Good for you. Keep it up.
