Thursday, January 14, 2010


*click to enlarge...

For me, nothing motivates me during working out like music. Well, music motivates and inspires me all the time, but especially during working out---it's key. I thought I'd share my current workout playlist with you, in case you're in need of some motivation/inspiration.

Just a heads up---I tend to like pretty foul hip-hop and electronic music while I workout. If you're sensitive to swearing, etc. I'd avoid tracks 8, 11 and 15 :)


  1. this is the play list!! I too have a passion for foul language with base for workin out..sounds like things are goin great for you!! Hope to hear more soon!!!

  2. awesome playlist! looks similar to mine!

  3. I just received a playlist from a friend before Christmas and a lot of these songs are on there. Maybe we should do a workout playlist CD swap or something!? (i'm old school and still like CDs for my car =))

  4. Great list - love LOADS Of those and they would definitely spur me on!

  5. 1) I think we are music soul mates. For real.

    2) I am going to email you some additions to this loveliness.

  6. how much do i love that you have lil' wayne's 'a milli' on your playlist! some great, get you moving tracks on your list!
