Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Ahhh, thank you so much for your sweet words on my last post. It's always nice to know that people get it, they understand your struggles and that they're rooting for you.

I needed that.

I have had a bit of a compulsive weighing problem in the past, something I'm trying to combat by only weighing in on Tuesdays. I chose not to weigh myself last week because it was that time of the month, I was feeling stabby and I know that my body holds on to every last pound during my period. It wasn't worth the emotional upset.

I weighed in last night. I was sure that it'd be bad news, because I went out for breakfast over the weekend, drank on Saturday night, ate terrible food in the wee hours of Saturday morning and while I've been counting calories, I also haven't been denying myself things I consider to be basic rights, such as frozen yogurt and Stress Chocolate while PMS-ing. I couldn't believe my eyes.

I waited 'til this morning and weighed in again, just to be sure.

Final loss for the past two weeks? Down another 3.2 lbs.

My first official day was January 5th, and so far, I'm exactly 7 lbs. down from the highest, scary weight I saw back in December. If you figure that healthy weight loss is 2 lbs. per week, I'm at almost exactly that. Sure, I still have a long way to go, but I'm getting there. I feel like my body is slowly getting to that place where it's burning fat.

A good friend (Hi, M!) and I often discuss our need for "gold stars" when we're doing well, and honestly, I feel like I got mine with this weigh in. To lose 7 lbs in the first 3.5 weeks makes me want to keep going. It's showed me that I don't have to be a Food Nazi, and that the workouts I'm doing are working.

And mostly? It's made me pretty damn proud of myself.


  1. OMG! My first official shout-out. I feel like I earned a gold star for that! Haha. I look forward to your progress, as it pushes me to achieve my goals as well. I look forward to us sharing many, many, more gold stars together in 2010 and beyond. xoxo Keep up the great work!

  2. Woohoo! Good going! Keep it up!

  3. that is so freaking awesome!!!!!!

    way to go girl! keep it up!!!!!

  4. You can be very proud of yourself! This is really great. Keep up the great work!

  5. Ohhhhh, good for you, Amy!! Congrats! That's absolutely awesome. You're going about this in such a healthy, diligent, positive way---I'm so proud of you.

    How's the Bikram coming??!! :)

  6. So great that you are on an even stride with your weight loss! You are going to be 10 pounds down before you know it. Awesome. :D

  7. Way to go Amy! I am glad you are feeling good about the hard work you are doing. :)

  8. Dude. IF ONLY I could lose 7 pounds. That would put me....at my ideal weight. Jealous!

  9. You should be proud of yourself Amy! That is awesome. Good for you.
