Saturday, January 9, 2010

I thought I'd drop in and give a little update on my first few days. So far, so good! Actually, awesome.

Something feels different for me this time. I've "committed" to losing weight a few times before over the past year and a half or so and while I've thought I was into it, I guess maybe I wasn't?! This time, I feel really positive about it. It doesn't feel like torture or loss, but instead, feels like taking control.

The past few years have been tumultuous, and this past year has been all about settling down and enjoying. I feel incredibly blessed and happy to be where I am, and losing weight feels like the final piece of that puzzle for me. Everything else feels good and positive, and I guess I want my body to join in the goodness.

I've lost a few pounds already (I'm trying not to weigh in obsessively, but sometimes, I can't help it. I'll be posting my official numbers on Tuesdays, but ya know) but I think the most noticeable change has been in my mood. I've got a serious amount of energy and I've been sleeping well. I've been feeling more able to handle things, and less like I just want to lounge on the couch and watch TV all day. I feel more positive about life in general, actually. And for that I am so grateful. It feels awesome.

Getting into the habit of working out still feels gross. I am starting to regard it as a necessary evil, though, asking myself things like, "Do I want to work towards my goal today or not? Do I want to feel better about myself today or not?" There was really only one night this week that I had to truly battle with myself...and that felt good.

I've already worked out today, but I'm hoping I can talk Andrew into a walk tonight...

So, yeah. So far, so good! I know I'm still at the very beginning of my journey, but I'm feeling really positive so far.


  1. Yay for you! So proud of you. I love a good, hard workout where I get all sore and sweaty, but I also love getting bundled up and going on a nice long walk. I tend to be a fast walker in general, so I always feel like I'm getting my heart rate up a bit. Have you considered getting a pedometer? There is a lot of research that shows people who have (and use) a pedometer tend to lose weight quicker and feel better and all that good stuff.

  2. i feel like a sick whale. I had mac and cheese and wine for dinner. What is wrong with me

  3. Girl, I feel the EXACT SAME WAY. I've been doing the Shred for four days in a row and I'm already feeling so much better about myself. I've lost three pounds and really, I can't turn back to my lazy ways after that progress.

    Go Amy!!!

  4. that is AWESOME!!!

    good for you girl!!!!!!!!

  5. This is inspiring! My diet/health regime starts tomorrow and I'm going to try and remember to ask myself if I want to feel better about myself or not everytime I am tempted not to work out. I guess positive thinking is key.

  6. Hi Miss! I am linking you on my list of others aiming to get healthy this year ( if thats okay?

  7. Yay for you! I'm glad you're feeling positive about your goals. I, too, despise going to the gym (particularly in the winter), but try to remember the good to get me motivated. I hope it gets easier for you to go and I'm glad you're so excited about your new resolve. :3

  8. Oh, my mantra is "you don't have to like it, you just have to do it." After a couple of weeks of going to the gym at least 3 times a week, I just get in the habit and then it feels weird if I don't go.

  9. Amy, sometimes getting yourself to your workout can be a challenge. Just remember how good you feel AFTER your workout. I love to run, I wish I could run more. If only I could knock 50 pounds off my body, then I could run what is in my heart. Keep working at it!!
