Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello, there!

Hello, you! I'm guessing you're probably over here from my main blog, Just A Titch.


I've written before about my weight loss goals over on my main blog, but I have a sneaking suspicion that some of my readers will be bored with things like food lists, workouts and general bitching about my weight loss.

Weight has been perhaps the biggest battle of my life. I was an average-sized little girl, but somewhere around puberty, I became a bit...fluffier. By the end of high school, I was above average in weight and didn't like that very much.

When I was a freshman in college, I dropped a significant amount of weight by cutting calories and exercising consistently. I wound up looking something like this:

At this point, I was at my very thinnest, in 2003. Not a healthy place. I was under what was considered a healthy weight for my height and my frame size, was spending a ridiculous amount of time in the gym and was engaged in disordered eating.

Over the next 2 years, I gained some weight back, until I looked like this:

Three years after that, I looked like this:

And now? I'm even bigger.

But this year, I've decided to end my weight battle. I never felt uncomfortable in pictures, and now I do. I miss being able to be goofy and silly in photos without worrying about my fat. I worry about my body and the strain I'm putting on it by being significantly overweight. I have been fit, and felt those endorphins from working out. I know that I was healthier---not just physically, but mentally, when I was working out regularly.

So, this is where I'm chronicling my journey to reach a healthy weight. According to a BMI chart, that means I need to lose 76 pounds.

Here we go!

Join me---either by cheering me on, sharing your own stories or watching from the sidelines. I hope that over the next few months, I really will become a Skinny Titch, and more importantly, a healthy one.


  1. Good luck! I want to, too... wonder if I can make this my year, too...

  2. Good luck! Two years ago I lost 25 pounds by counting calories and keeping track of what I eat but I've since gained 5 pounds back. I'd love to lose another 10-15 pounds so I'm looking forward to following you on your weight-loss journey!!!

  3. Good luck!! I started counting points today, which is not my favourite thing to do, but I need to at least get rid of the last 10-15lb that have gone on in the past few months. Reading potatoes not prozac was amazing in that it gave me some answers, but was also detrimental in that it gave me license to eat whatever whenever! Once I kick start the weight loss I am going to return to the book though, I really want to give up the sugar, I know life will be so much better if I do.

  4. good for you girl!!!!
    i myself am trying to do the same thing this year.
    im new to the new whole bloggy world, but i started a couple of my own :)
    so kick some butt this year girl.
    i hope to kick some of my own.

  5. I think you're beautiful today, in 2002, and always. But hopefully you'll be an inspiration to me, too; I definitely need to tone up and trim down a bit before my wedding!

  6. I think you're perfect. And I'm in for being healthier. I need to start being smarter about what I eat along with running if I'm going to kick this half-marathon's ass. xoxo

  7. I'm here, listening. I'd listened to anything you said, as you're always an inspiration (and beautiful) to me.

  8. Good luck!! I know you're going to do amazingly; I'll be cheering you on :)

  9. Good Luck! I worked out with a trainer for 3 months and I learned two huge lessons from that.

    1)If you're not working out, at minimum, 3 times a week, you're not going to see results.

    2) Chronicling everything you eat when you first start out is a huge eye-opener. I couldn't believe how much bacon and cheese were in my food journal!

  10. Good luck! I am so excited for you! As someone who has never really struggled with weight per se (please let's not throw stones), I can't really say that I understand your struggle, but I am really very excited to cheer you on and learn more.

  11. Good luck! From all the comments already, looks like you have a lot of support!

  12. I'm going through the same issues so it'll be exciting as we go on this journey together! If you want to be weight loss buddies and keep each other accountable, I would L O V E that!

  13. Good luck!

    Eight years ago, when I was 21, I lost two and a half stone (or about 35 pounds), and since then I've gradually piled on weight again and am nearly back to the same weight I was before I LOST it. And I'm determined to lose it all over again. So we're all in this together.

  14. I'm going to support you as much as I can. We can do it.

  15. Ooo, I was thinking of this last night, creating a seperate WP for my weight loss, so that my main blog isn't all, "HEY LOOK! IM A LITTLE LESS FAT TODAY!" all the time :-)

    You go girl! I don't know why 2010 feels so empowering, but it does!

  16. I kept a weight loss blog for most of the last year and it was INSTRUMENTAL in my accomplishments. Writing it down = accountability AND encouragement! Excited to read along!

  17. I'm doing the same thing, Amy. I am alarmed at how quickly I've piled on weight in the last few months... 12 pounds in about 4 months, I think. That'll get out of hand quickly if I don't get it back under control, so I'm making the same resolution as you. I think I might post a biweekly fitness/health post on my blog, but I'm hesitant to commit to a series because I have traditionally done poorly with sticking to a blog post series!

    Anyway best of luck. I've found this blog super motivating, maybe you will too:

  18. Best of luck Amy! I know you can do it! You are such a beautiful person in my mind, no matter what!

  19. Oh, Amy, I think you're beautiful. I'm excited for you to feel the same way soon. Also, how cute is it that Andrew commented on this?

  20. Good luck Amy! Just try to take it slow and not torture yourself by feeling like you have to exercise too much and starve yourself. I've been fighting this battle for years too and finally feel like I've found some sanity by realizing that my weight is something that I'm always going to have to monitor. (I'm terrible about getting to my goal weight and then going off my diet and gaining it all back!)

    Anyhow, if I could offer my secret weapon it would be !

  21. I will definitely be following your journey. I want to do the same and I have to lose about the same amount!

  22. Amy, congrats on your weight loss journey. It is a hard thing to do. I have lost 90 pounds in the past 2 years, hit a 4 month plateau recently, but recently got back into the swing of things. Losing weight is hard work, but it is well worth the price.
